Thursday, 8 December 2016

OSSLT info

Assalamua likum Parents,

I just wanted to post some OSSLT info for you:

In Grade 10 students are required to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), which assesses student literacy level. In order to obtain an Ontario High School Diploma, all students must pass the OSSLT. If a student fails the OSSLT in Grade 10 he/she has another opportunity to write it again in Gr. 11. If however, the student fails it a second time then he/she must take a specific literacy course in Grade 12. 

The OSSLT takes place across the province at the same time at the end of March. 

You can find more information here:

InshAllah we will be reviewing for the OSSLT throughout the year within our planned units.

Also, before the Winter Break I will conduct a pre-assessment and send OSSLT practice worksheets for the break. 

After the break we will go through our pre-assessment and make a goal plan for areas needed to improve.

Moreover, we will spend all of March reviewing for the OSSLT. 

If further help is required students can use the following resources: