Thursday, 8 December 2016

OSSLT info

Assalamua likum Parents,

I just wanted to post some OSSLT info for you:

In Grade 10 students are required to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), which assesses student literacy level. In order to obtain an Ontario High School Diploma, all students must pass the OSSLT. If a student fails the OSSLT in Grade 10 he/she has another opportunity to write it again in Gr. 11. If however, the student fails it a second time then he/she must take a specific literacy course in Grade 12. 

The OSSLT takes place across the province at the same time at the end of March. 

You can find more information here:

InshAllah we will be reviewing for the OSSLT throughout the year within our planned units.

Also, before the Winter Break I will conduct a pre-assessment and send OSSLT practice worksheets for the break. 

After the break we will go through our pre-assessment and make a goal plan for areas needed to improve.

Moreover, we will spend all of March reviewing for the OSSLT. 

If further help is required students can use the following resources:

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


Assalamu alikum all,

Alhamdullilah the year has been going well so far. We have become a really tight family in the classroom alhamdullilah and nothing is better than a safe, inclusive, and comfortable environment for learning.

 In English we are now on Chapter 12 of the Autobiography of Malcolm X. We aim to finish the book by the second week of December inshAllah. We have learned a lot about the struggles of African Americans and the mercy Allah has on people, evident through Malcolm X's complete transformation from being the lowest in society to someone famous for his eloquence and strength.
We have just finished writing our own personal narrative essays and will now move onto our next major assignment.

In History we have just completed Chapter 5 which discusses post World War 1. InshAllah we will have a mock Paris Peace Conference in our own class next week. Each student will be given a country to represent at the conference. He/she will have to research and present a list of demands in front of the other nations to deal with the aftermath of the war. Good luck to whoever gets Germany!

In Art the Grade 10s successfully completed a hilarious Stop Motion video based on the popular joke, "What happens when the chicken crosses the road?"

We had the opportunity to participate in a wonderful pottery workshop and the students had the chance to create mugs and bowls in class. I hope you had the chance to see their work once it was brought home.

We are now on the Islamic Art and Architecture Unit. We have just finished watching a documentary on Islamic Architecture and are currently working on our own Islamic Geometric Art. We will also have a workshop on Arabic calligraphy in the coming weeks for students to try out inshAllah.

Feel free to contact me at if needed.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Friday, 30 September 2016

Update for Sept 26-30

Assalamu alikum Dear Abraar Parents and Students,

So this week Medical Forms/Internet forms/cellphone use and photo consent forms were sent out. Please take the time to read these over with your child and send them back signed as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding the content of the forms please feel free to ask me.

Also, we are pleased to announced that the President and Vice President of Abraar Secondary Student Council are Anas Alowaidi and Muhammad Aws. Also, our class representative is Khadija Abbas and the Treasurer for Student Council is Omar Saleem. So congratulations to them!!!

Furthermore, during Circle Time the grade 10s have been designing and planning an upcoming Abraar dinner to help fund their end of year trip to Wonderland. Ask your child about this and please feel free to help out if you can.

The following is what we have covered in class this week:

ENG2D: Chapter 1 of Malcolm X - We learned about the death of his father, his mother's struggles and eventual loss of sanity. We learned about his challenging childhood and upbringing. We discussed themes, and impacts these events had on his life. We focused on reading comprehension this week. Next week we will be writing.

CHC2D: We had our Chp 1 Quiz this week. We have completed Chapter 2 and next week we will review it and work on our essays on Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his leadership during the events that took place while he was in office.

ALC10: As a class we have decided on developing a stop motion. We have already listed our materials and general outline of idea. We will be working on this until end of November.

Jazakum Allahu Khayran

Friday, 23 September 2016

Update for Sept 19-23rd

Assalamu alikum Dear Abraar Parents,

Alhamdullilah we are now getting the ball rolling in terms of our studies as this was the first week of uninterrupted classes.

As you know we have Student Council elections going on right now. InshAllah on Monday and Tuesday next week students running for a spot on Student Council will be campaigning to win votes. Elections will take place on Wednesday Sept 28th inshAllah.

Also this week, "Community Involvement Notification and Activity Completion Sheet" form was sent with your child. This form is to be completed by the person your child is volunteering for to collect their community hours to graduate. It is a requirement for all students to have completed 40 hours of community service in high school.

For next week in my class we have the following due:

ENG2D: Humans of Abraar presentations
CHC2D: Monday Checkpoints pg 21 due, Thursday Chp 1 Quiz
ART10: Muslim artist presentations

I am also very excited about our English class starting our unit on Malcolm X. We will start reading his autobiography next week inshAllah.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

High Ropes Trip a SUCCESS!

Alhamdullilah we had an amazing trip to the YMCA Outdoor Education Facility in Kanata.

Here's a sneak peak at one of our activities:

Omar and Muhammad working together to reach the top!

Friday, 9 September 2016

Gr. 10 reminders for after Eid

Assalamu alikum Gr. 10s,

Please be reminded of the following when you return from your Eid holidays:

- Return field trip forms for Eid trip on Thursday Sept 15
- Bring $3 for pizza lunch on Wednesday Sept 14
- Bring a lock for your locker
- Bring your own reading material
- Bring your super awesome SMILES because it's SUNNAH :)

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Tr. Yumna Introduction

September 7, 2016
Dearest Abraar Parents,

Assalamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

My name is Yumna Rashid and I am very excited to be teaching your child this year. I am the Gr. 10 homeroom, English, Canadian History and Integrated Arts teacher and I am the Gr. 9 English and Visual Arts teacher.
My educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences with English teachables, and a Bachelor’s degree in Education. I am also an Ontario College of Teachers member in good standing.
This year in my English classes we will aim to become better readers, writers, speakers and become critical thinkers. In Canadian History we will learn how Canadian identity has formed through the events that have taken place and how it impacts us as Muslim citizens of Canada. Lastly, in my Arts classes I aim to teach students the different ways Art is used as a form of expression and help them explore the various ways Art can help their growth.
Your child has already received a welcome package including open campus, cellphone, class rules and consequences forms. He or she has also received syllabi from me for each course I teach. Please ensure you see the syllabus, sign it and send it back so I can keep a copy for my records. Also, your help and participation in ensuring your child completes homework on time and comes to class prepared with all necessary materials would facilitate his or her learning experience.
Furthermore, we are working on becoming more active community members through volunteering. If you would like to volunteer with us and participate in organizing community service events please email me with Subject: “Volunteering for Community” and we can organize something together.
I will continue to update the Abraar Secondary School blog with what we have completed and also send you regular emails so you can help your child with his or her school responsibilities.
Please feel free to contact me at or (613)820-0044 during school hours and until 4:15pm.

May Allah ease our path to learning and growing. May Allah make this school year a successful one. May Allah continue to guide us onto the right path, closer to Him.

W’salamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Yumna Rashid

Friday, 3 June 2016

Finals in 2 weeks!

Grade 10:
June 20th
June 21 th
June 22nd
June 23rd
June 24th
June27 th
10:00 13:00
Isl. Studies
Study Hall


Grade 9:
June 20th
June 21 th
June 22nd
June 23rd
June 24th
June27 th
10:00 13:00

Study Hall
Islamic Studies


Ramadhan Mubarak!!

Inline image 1

Friday, 20 May 2016

Fundraising Dinner May 22nd

Assalam Alaikum Dear All,

Lets meet at the fundraiser and give a hand to our school.

Thursday, 12 May 2016


As-slaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Re: Upcoming Grade 9 Math EQAO Assessment on June 7 and June 8, 2016

On Tuesday June 7th and on Wednesday June 8, our Grade 9 students will be taking part in the provincial Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics created by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). This assessment is administered to all students in Grade 9 academic mathematics course in Abraar School. The assessment consists of two assessment booklets, and students are given 60 minutes to complete each booklet.

EQAO assessment questions are directly based on the expectations set out in The Ontario Curriculum.  Students will take the assessment in their regular classrooms with their regular teachers.  Students should arrive on time for the assessment and come prepared with sharpened HB pencils, an eraser, a ruler, and a scientific calculator or graphic calculator. The use of cell phones, audio or video recording devices, pagers, digital music players or e-mail or text messaging devices during the assessment is prohibited and, as such, these devices should not be brought into the assessment room. 

Individual student results on this assessment are private and will give you and your child an indication of his or her achievement in relation to the provincial standard. The standard, or Level 3, represents the range from 70% to 79%.  Meeting the standard means your child has a solid grasp of the required knowledge and skills, which is a good indication that he or she will be ready for math work in Grade 10.  In September 2016, EQAO will send our school a report on your child’s achievement on the assessment, and we will send it home at that time.

In preparation for this important assessment, students will have the opportunity to write a practice EQAO test on Thursday, May 26th and Friday, MAY 27th during their regular Science and Math classes.  These practice tests will be evaluated and appropriate remediation will be delivered.  As well, all grade 9 Math students are invited to receive extra help at lunch time in Grade 10 room Monday to Thursday as part of the Math Help.   Other on-line supports are and

For more information about EQAO and to view a sample of its assessments, you may also visit the Web site


Hanife Singor

Grade 9-10 Math Teacher


Assalam Alaikum Dear All,
We are in May and already almost  the end of the year is approaching together with the Holy month Of Ramadhan!
Please join us in May 22 Fundraising Dinner to support our school and our future generations.

Tickets are sold online as well as students are collecting pledges.

Our classes will resume until the end, attandance is still very important. Parents who will be travelling earlier please get in touch with the front office for details.

For class schedule and homework assignments , please follow on

Kind Regards

Friday, 1 April 2016

Welcome April

Assalam Alaikum Dear All,

Please follow our class on the link below for latest updates on homework and assignments.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Long Weekend after March Break!

Long Weekend-- March 25- 28 2016

Please note there will be no school on March 25the and March 28th.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

March 10 Ski Field Trip

Assalam Alaikum Dear All,
 Tomorrow is the day of our annual ski field trip inshaAllah. Make sure to be at school by 7:50am. Bus will take off at 8 am , and  we will be back by 6 pm.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Just Before March Break

Image result for clockAssalam Alaikum Dear All,

Some important dates before March Break.

March 3   
Grade 10 Science Quiz Chapter 10 lessons 1-3

March 8    
Grade 10 Math Quiz Chapter 5 lessons 1-3

March 9      
Grade 9 Math Test  Chapter 4 all, and Chapter 5  lessons 1-3

March 10   
Ski Field Trip

March 11 
Gym Assignment Due for Girls 9/10

All the best!

Fundraiser and PTI Night

PTI Night Bake Sale Fundraiser

Assalamu Alaikum
Dear Parents,

The Grade 8 Graduation committee & Grade 10 cordially invite you to the Bake Sale Fundraiser that will be running during the PTI Night on

                     March 4, 2016 from 4pm to 8pm
                    @ 70 Fieldrow St.  in the Hallway besides School Gym

The bake sale will help raise funds for Grade 8 Graduation & Grade 10 Annual Trip.
We need your support and help, so we hope to see all of you during this wonderful event.
Image result for bake sale ideas